After purchasing my very first mountain bike recently, I became interested to learn how I could properly keep and maintain it for the best possible quality. Since the winter months are coming up soon where I live, I decided to do some research on the topic. As a result, I pulled together 11 tips on how to store a mountain bike.
What are some tips for how to store a mountain bike? While you are storing a mountain bike, it is important to always keep the bike clean and out of harm’s way. This can include regular maintenance cleaning, the use of a bike cover, and positioning your bike away from any sunlight that could prove to be damaging to the paint.
When it comes to keeping your storage area clean and free of scuffs and dents, you can take a few extra precautions using some old materials that you might have had laying around. Always keep a magic eraser handy in the storage area for quick cleaning solutions in order to fight against stained white walls in a garage.

Mountain biking is an intensely enjoyable activity that is a favorite among the outdoor enthusiast community. Tasked with climbing up thousands of feet over all kinds of bumpy and rocky terrains, there is no question that the mountain bikes themselves must be more durable than ever.
As a result of their durability, most mountain bikes also come with a pretty steep price tag. So, how can you make sure that your investment lives on for many years after you make the initial purchase?
If you are concerned about he welfare of your mountain bike during the times that you need to store it, keep reading to get some valuable tops on how to do so effectively.
11 Tips On How To Store Your Mountain Bike
As the owner of a mountain bike, it is equally as important to properly store your bicycle as it is to maintain it on a regular basis. Just because you are not using your bike at the moment does not mean that you shouldn’t be taking care of it.
In fact, the majority of issues that can arise when it comes to your mountain bike will come from improper maintenance and after care. After all, you wouldn’t leave your prized bike covered in mud after you ride it, allowing the dirt to seep into the crevices and components, making lots of room for damaged parts.
Whether you are storing your bike for the winter season when you will no longer be riding it on a daily basis, or you are trying to find a convenient solution for where you put your bike in between more frequent rides, the information in this article will help you out with just that.
In this section particularly, we will be discussing some tips on how you can efficiently store your mountain bike at home. To be more specific, there will be 11 total tips and tricks that you can use to your advantage when it comes to putting your mountain bike away, for any period of time.
Take a look at the numbered list below to find a brief description of some of these suggestions, with a more in-depth explanation thought the rest of this section.

How To Store Your Mountain Bike:
- Use a bike cover for longer storage periods
- Choose wall mounted options for added space
- Try a DIY storage solution to save money
- Utilize an easy cleaning solution (all you need is an old rug)
- Keep the floors clean with something to catch the grease
- Keep a magic eraser handy in your storage area
- Place your mountain bike out of the sunlight
- Keep tires inflated at all times
- Frequently clean and treat for rust
- Inspect all of your parts for damage before, after, and during storage
- Find the most convenient storage option (extra storage, movability, etc.)
1. Use a bike cover for longer storage periods
As previously mentioned, you could be trying to store your mountain bike for the entire off season when you will not be planning on using it for several months, or just in between your weekly rides when it is in the way of everything else that you might have going on at home.
When it comes to storing your mountain bike for longer periods of time, in particular, you will want to take some additional precautions for protecting the outer and inner components of your bicycle.
While it would be a hassle to take these precautions for everyday or weekly use of your bike, you will not be taking your mountain bike out of storage very frequently during a long-term storage period, which is why it would be ideal to use a bicycle cover.
Bicycle covers can be easily applied to the outside of your mountain bike, protecting the surfaces from anything that could get into them, from water that could rust the components to sun that could start to blister and chip the paint on the outside of the frame.
2. Choose wall mounted options for added space
Depending on where you are storing your mountain bike, you might find that you do not have much room to freely place it where you would like to keep it, without causing a major obstruction to the general flow of your household.
In order to free up a lot more space in your garage, or wherever you plan to be storing your mountain bike, you can opt for a wall mounted option. Wall mounted storage for mountain bikes is exactly what it sounds like, it is something that you can attach to the wall in order to hang up your mountain bike, moving it out of the way completely.

So, instead of bumping into your bike on a daily bass or learning to walk around it all together, you can move freely throughout the common areas of your home with a wall mounted bike that is out of sight until you need it once again.
3. Try a DIY storage solution to save money
While it is true that you can find a lot of ready to use mountain bike storage units similar to the ones that were just discussed, there is another way that you can come up with a storage solution, and without breaking the bank, either.
Just like almost anything else that you can purchase in life, there is a way to turn it into a DIY project instead. This will not only help you to save money on something that is uncharged by a retailer, but you will also have the opportunity to customize your storage rack or unit to your liking exactly.
The possibilities for what you can create during a DIY storage project are virtually endless. After conducting some thorough internet research, you can decide on which type of storage unit is ideal for your home, as well as the materials and design that you would like to go with.
4. Utilize an easy cleaning solution (all you need is an old rug)
When it comes to putting your mountain bike up for storage, whether it is for a long or short period of time, you might have noticed all of the dirt that you are tracking in every time you bring your bike inside for the time being.
This is a rather self explanatory effect of riding in the dirt and mud with your bicycle, but it is also something that can be easily prevented with a simple trick for an easy clean up.
Instead of having to get down on your hands and knees with a wet cloth to wipe off the dirt that you have collected on your mountain bike tires, you can use an old rug to clean your tires.
Simply place the old rug down in the area where you will be entering the house with your mountain bike. For example, if you bring your bike through the side door of your garage, you should place the rug down in the area where you will step foot, and tire, into the actual garage.
This way, all of the loose mud and dirt that has collected on the tires will be caught and wiped off by the old rug. You won’t be missing anything since it is a previously used rug, and you will save yourself a lot of time on the cleaning part of storing your mountain bike.
Along with keeping your method of entry as clean as possible with the use of a rug to catch all of the additional debris, you can also protect your actual floors from anything that might fall down from the bike itself.
5. Keep the floors clean with something to catch the grease
Whether you are storing your mountain bike on the ground or hanging down from the wall, you will need to keep something below it to catch any loose grease that might drip down and stain the floors of your storage area.
This can be anything from a t-shirt or towel that you don’t care about, to a similar old rug that you might be using for your entryway cleaning solution. No matter what you use to catch the dirt, you will be able to prevent a lot of stains in your storage area with little to no effort on your part.
In addition to making sure that your floors and mountain bike tires are clean upon entering the storage area, you will also want to make sure that the walls and surrounding areas are kept nice and tidy as well.
When it comes to storing mountain bikes, especially when they are being stored in doors, there is a lot that can happen when you are putting them away. For instance, if you are hanging up your mountain bike on an upside down ceiling rack, you might hit the wall with the front tire a few times before you manage to get it up there.

6. Keep a magic eraser handy in your storage area
As a result, there will be several black scuff marks and scratches all along the wall that will need to be cleaned up. Instead of leaving them all there for a later time and dreading the final cleaning day where you will wipe all of the marks that have collected on the wall, you can keep a more instantaneous solution on hand.
If you keep something similar to a magic eraser cleaning sponge within the area that you are using for storage, you will be able to pick it up and easily wipe off the scuffs before they stay too long and become stains. This is a quick and convenient answer to the problem of collecting a dirty place due to your mountain bike storage.
7. Place your mountain bike out of the sunlight
When you are choosing a place to position your stored mountain bike while you are not using it, it is increasingly important that you choose wisely and consider all of the factors around you.
More specifically, you should make sure that your mountain bike is nowhere near the sunlight when you are keeping it in one place for an extended period of time. Even though mountain bikes are generally made to hold up in the heat during long climbing adventures, they are still like any other kind of bike when it comes to the paint.
When the paint of a bike , or any other similar object, is left out in the direct sunlight, it will become subject to intense heating that can cause the paint to bubble, blister, crack, and chip off of the frame.
This is the last thing that you would want to happen to your bike, especially if you will be coming back to it after a long stooge period. Repairing the paint on your mountain bike is just as tedious as it is expensive, which is why it would be best to avoid the possibility of any exterior damage in the first place.
8. Keep tires inflated at all times
While you are making sure that the frame of your mountain bike stays protected from the damaging rays of the sun, you should also be on top of the air pressure in your tires. Regardless of how long you plan to be storing your mountain bike, the tires should always be pumped up with air fully.
If you fail to keep track of your tire air pressure and let it stay flat or semi-inflated for long periods of time, you can risk causing permanent damage that will only be repairable by a replacement, which will likely be expensive.
Whenever you are putting your bike away for storage or checking on it for another reason, don’t skip out on feeling the tire pressure. If you are able to keep them pumped up all throughout the winter, you will thank yourself when the summer comes back around.
Speaking of checking your mountain bike, you should also make sure that it always stays clean, on both the inner and outer components. Your cleaning routine can consist of taking a clean and wet cloth and taking care of any dust, dirt, or debris that might have collected on the bike since the last time you used it.
9. Frequently clean and treat for rust
Along with making sure that the surface itself is clean, it will be most beneficial to treat your bike for rust on the spot. This can be done by applying lubrication to the chain area, and any other components that might be able to potentially collect rust.
The fact that you are not using your mountain bike at the time that it is being stored does not mean that it still cannot get dirty. If you are behind on realizing that rust is being formed on the chain of your bike, you will be in for a very unpleasant surprise the next time you ride.
Instead of returning to a top-notch and well oiled machine of a mountain bike, you will experience a choppy ride with the potential for a replacement due to the rust formations on the chain.
However, you will not have to worry about these types of issues when you follow the helpful tip that was mentioned leading up to this particular discussion.

10. Inspect all of your parts for damage before, after, and during storage
Aside from just keeping everything clean and free of rust on your mountain bike, there is another factor that is concerning when it comes to long term storage. Every time that you clean your mountain bike, you should be checking all of the parts and components for quality and function.
In the event that something is broken or worn down, you will be able to quickly catch it and make the necessary repairs or replacements before anything gets too out of hand.
11. Find the most convenient storage option (extra storage, movability, etc.)
Last but not least, you should go about choosing your mountain biking storage solution in the way that will be most beneficial to you. Depending on your living situation and specific storage needs, you will need to make the right decision so that you can enjoy comfortability and convenience.
Some of the storage options that you might choose for your mountain bike include racks with additional compartments to store other things, as well as moveable racks that can be versatile in your place of storage.
If you are thinking about the best type of mountain bike storage for you, the next section will outline the possibilities in more detail. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide on all of your mountain bike storage options.
Types Of Mountain Bike Storage
When it comes to finding a convenient way to put your mountain bikes away while you are not using them, there are so many options that you can choose from. Whether you will be keeping them at ground level, on the wall, or even hanging from the ceiling, there is an ideal storage solution for everyone.
In this section, we will be going over everything you need to know about the choices that you have for mountain bike storage. Take a look at the list below fo a general overview, or keep reading for more details.
Mountain Bike Storage Types:
- Kickstands
- Floor stands
- Freestanding racks
- Gravity stands
- Wall mounts
- Ceiling mounts
- Hoist bike storage
Kickstands are some of the most common and easy to use solutions for mountain bike storage. With this option, you will be able to keep your bike standing up in your garage, without the assistance of having to lean it against the wall.
Instead, you will simply pull down the stand that is already attached to the bottom of the bike frame and allow it to stand up without you being there.
.Floor stands are almost exactly what they sound like. For a general comparison, they are very similar to the bike racks that were used near the playground in elementary school. Usually made of metal, these single bars are able to hold one mountain bike, both front and back, in place for long periods of time.
Freestanding racks, on the other hand, are more similar to a rack that would hang a coat, only they are meant for mountain bikes. These types of storage options will usually be able to carry up to two bikes at a time, but they can also be used for just one as well.
If you ever need to move or rearrange the section where your mountain bike is being stored, these types of racks are very easy to move from place to place.
Gravity stands are a mountain biking storage option that lean against the wall, using th weight of the mountain bike to keep everything secured into place. There is no need to drill into the wall in order to install this type of storage rack, and can also hold up to two bikes at one time.
Wall mounts are ideal for those who need a lot of ground space in their garage, and would just like to get their bikes out of the way. Instead of allowing them to be obstructive and standing in your way, you can hang up an easy wall mount for storage that you won’t run into every day.
Ceiling mounts, very similar to wall mounts, are the tools that are used to hang up mountain bikes from the ceiling. This is great for more than one mountain bike at one time, since there are plenty of spaces for each one to be placed.
On a ceiling rack, the bikes will hang upside down, with the wheels attached to the top part of the ceiling and the handlebars hanging down toward the ground.
The last option that you can go with for mountain biking storage is the hoist bike storage. Hoist bike storage is most like the traditional ceiling rack, only for higher than average ceilings.
Mountain Bike Storage: What To Consider
Now that we have gone over the best tips for mountain biking storage, as well as the types of racks that you can use for your own individual storage needs, you are probably more ready than ever to make a purchase toward your mountain bike solution.
Before you make your final decision, there are some factors that must be considered for the best results. Throughout the rest of this section, we will be hitting all of the main points that should be gone over before you make your choice, as outlined in the list below.
Factors To Consider:
- The space you have for storage
- The weight of your bike
- How secure the storage location is
- Wall and floor protection
- The size of your wheels
First of all, you will need to think about the space that you have for storage. If you are leaning toward a floor stand but you have limited space in your garage, you might need to go with a wall or ceiling mount instead in order to give yourself the room that you need for your everyday life.
Additionally, you will need to know the weight of your bike and how it will hold up with the individual storage solution that you have chosen. If you are planning on purchasing a wall mount but your bike is too heavy for the one you have chosen, you will not have much luck when you put it all together.
Your storage location should be secure, with a lock so that no one else can get to your equipment and possibly steal it. In addition to keeping it locked away, it should also be out of sight to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention to it.
While considering the area in which you will store your mountain bike, you will need to make sure that you will be able to clean and protect the surrounding elements. So, if the place you have chosen has expensive wooden floors that you don’t want to ruin, you might need find a different location or find a better solution.
Lastly, the size of your wheels will matter when you are trying to put together your mountain biking storage solution. Since the wheels will most likely be hung on the storage rack that you choose, it should be sized appropriately for the best results.
All in all, there are plenty of options for mountain biking storage that you can choose from for your particular situation. As long as you follow the recommendations and tips that were outlined in this article, you should be on your way to a successful store solution.